Simpsons Road Rage Ps2 Review

The Simpsons are on the Road Summary: Based on the Television show 'The Simpson's' FOX, Rare and the rest have finally decided to create a game were are favorite television Simpson character(s) drive! The Simpson’s Road Rage has it's multiplayer, Crazy Taxi has it's summer time appeal. The Simpson’s Road Rage lets you know people over, Crazy Taxi gives you the joy of scaring dashing pedestrians. There are many similarities, and man differences between The Simpson’s Road Rage and Crazy Taxi. The Simpson’s Road Rage is pure arcade fun. Nov 28, 2001 The Simpsons Road Rage definitely has plenty of features and traits that differentiates itself from Sega's game, but there's no denying that this Radical Entertainment developed and Electronic.

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People say:

I slagged the Xbox version of Road Rage a couple issues ago, not for its blatant plagiarism of Crazy Taxi, but rather for its many gameplay issues. I kept my expectations low going into the GameCube version this month and saved myself the disappointment. This is the exact same game as its Xbox and PS2 counterparts, which means you'll still have to deal with irritating load times and janky collision detection problems (it's easy to get your car stuck on objects and buildings). What's worse is that RR still has very little in the way of depth. Like CT, the object is to make some dough by driving the denizens of Springfield around town. The faster you truck, the bigger the buck. But man, did these cats miss the point of CT or what? RR doesn't reward you for weaving through traffic, pulling off jumps or causing near-misses. In fact, there isn't much technique here at all. Leave out these moments of skill and all you've got is a very bland rip-off starring the cast of our most beloved animated series. Sorry Simpsons fans, this is not the game it could have been.

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The Simpsons Road Rage Download

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